Sunday, September 11, 2011

Analysing my diet using Healthy Diet Pyramid

18 August 2011, Thursday

Breakfast 7.15 am
Kway Teow with 2 dumplings
- 2 servings of kway teow noodles

Recess 10.45am
Rice with scramble eggs and cabbage
- 2 servings of rice
- 1 serving of vegetables
- 1/2 serving of egg

Lunch 1.15pm
Rice with egg and green non-leafy vegetables
- 2 servings of rice
- 1/2 serving of egg
- 1 serving of vegetables

Dinner 7.35pm
Rice, fish soup, minced meat noodles
- 2 servings of rice
- 1 serving of noodles
- 1 serving of fish

Total number of servings per food group for 18 August 2011, Thursday
Rice and alternatives: 9 servings
Fruit: 0 serving
Vegetables: 2 servings
Meat and alternatives: 2 servings

Recommended number of servings of the various food groups per day according to the healthy diet pyramid:
Rice and alternatives: 5-7 servings
Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 2 servings
Meat and alternatives: 2-3 servings

19 August 2011, Friday

Breakfast 10.20am
Chicken wholemeal sandwich with lettuce and tomato
- 1 serving of wholemeal bread
- 1 serving of meat and alternatives

Lunch 1.40pm
Rice with fried egg and curry vegetables, soy milk
- 2 servings of rice
- 1 serving of vegetables
- 1/2 serving of meat and alternatives
- 1 serving of soy milk

Porridge with salted fish, low fat milk
- 1 serving of rice
- 1 serving of fish
- 1/2 serving of milk

Total number of servings per food group for 19 August 2011:
Rice and alternatives: 4 servings
Fruit: 0 serving
Vegetables: 1 serving
Meat and alternatives: 4 servings

Recommended number of servings of the various food groups per day according to the healthy diet pyramid:
Rice and alternatives: 5-7 servings
Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 2 servings
Meat and alternatives: 2-3 servings

20 August 2011, Saturday

Breakfast 9.45am
Chee Cheong Fun, Pulut Hitam (Hei Ruo Mi), Low fat milk
- 2 servings of rice and alternatives
- 1/2 serving of milk

Lunch 12.35pm
Boiled dumplings, Grilled mid-joint chicken wings
- 1 serving of meat
- 1/2 serving of vegetables

Dinner 5.55pm
Rice and sour spicy soup
- 2 servings of rice
- 2 servings of vegetables

Total number of servings per food groupfor 20 August 2011:
Rice and alternatives: 4
Fruits: 0 serving
Vegetables: 2 1/2 servings
Meat and alternatives: 1 1/2 servings

Recommended number of servings of the various food groups per day according to the healthy diet pyramid:
Rice and alternatives: 5-7 servings
Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 2 servings
Meat and alternatives: 2-3 servings

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