Sunday, September 11, 2011

My comments on my Wen Li's blog

Hallo Wen Li,

I really like the layout of your blog. The recording of the foods eaten over the 3 days are very detailed and well-organised. The quantities of each food is stated very clearly. There is also a comprehensive use of the nutritional tools in the analysis of your diet. Overall, your diet was balanced, with a variety of food from the various food groups. However, you may want to eat more servings of fruits and vegetables. These foods provide you with many valuable vitamins. From the results of the Food Intake Assessment, it shows that all the major nutrients are sufficiently taken from your diet. However, you may want to reduce your sodium and cholestrol intake. For example, instead of eating prawn instant noodles on your 3rd day of food tracking 20 August, which is high in sodium, you may want to replace it with beehoon or noodles, which helps you to reduce your sodium intake. Your reflections is generally very detailed, but you may want to elaborate a bit more on your suggested healthy one-dish meal. Overall, your blog provides a good analysis of your diet. ^_^

Hui Ling

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