Sunday, September 11, 2011

My comments on Mingrou's blog

Hallo Mingrou,

I really like the font of your blog!!! Okie, back to the main point, I think your diet is rather balanced, with food from a variety of food groups, but you may want to try to cut down on milk tea/bubble tea as they really contributes a lot of sugar to your diet. Like what Shu Ying has said, you may want to replace it with fresh fruit drinks or low fat milk! Milk is a good source of calcium too! :P Your food intake assessment results shows that all the major nutrients required in your diet are met! :D But you may want to try to reduce your sodium and cholestrol intake... (which is probably due to the inaccuracy of assessment in the selection of foods... I have to find similar alternatives for many of the food I ate too...) But ya, just take note! ^^

Hui Ling

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